As well as my forthcoming secondment we've also been doing a lot of other training at work mainly aimed at team building which has proven to be very interesting. Now I'm sure as anybody who ever worked well anywhere and had training will admit you have instances of good training and some training that doesn't work so well. This is true regardless of where you work.
Fortunatly all of the recent training has proven to be the former rather then the later. One of the main things which seem to have cropped up as it were with regards to me is that I don't explain my thinking and reflecting on this I realised that this is right. I don't do this a lot of the time and I realised that in a way maybe this is because I'm underestimated myself as quite often when I come up with a idea or a suggestion I often think that it's so obivous that everyone must see it which is why I think that I quite often don't explain my thinking. It doesn't occur to me that others might not see it.
So this has given me a good improvement point to work on, I must try to explain my thinking or to put it another way, I need to start at the beginning rather then at the end.
This training also made me reflect on what on my other strengths might be. I suppose that one of my other main strengths is my memory and how it works. Now sometimes my memory is almost photographic and I can pretty much tell you anything from memory, from the the plot of the latest book I've read, to a book I read sometime ago. I can even pretty much remember the exact lay out of each of my halls of residence at Uni, heck I can even remember the layout of the camp I went to as a camp counselor in the USA. But then sometimes my memory seems really bad, like where did I put my keys? Where's my pen? etc, etc.
Of course this reflecting on memory made me remonise about my uni days as it is ten years ago this year that I started uni, yeap it's been that long. I started off in in my first year in Willow Hall, part of the Forest Court group of walls as you may have guessed all of the halls we're named after forms of tree. I was on the top floor, room 35. In our 'cluster' I shared one kitchen with four girls and one guy. It was here that someone was able to guess with in about ten seconds I was a church member as when I was unpacking my food she noticed that I had no alchol.
In my second year I ended up in a cottage about three miles away from the uni. It was a nice house but unfortunatly due to a rather bad falling out with one of my housemates who started to threaten me in a effort to get money out of me I had to get out of there just out of Christmas and moved back into halls of residence. In fact I ended up back in Willow but in room 27 this time. Unfortunatly and to my great regret I can't remember the names of most of the people in that cluster during that time. by the time I moved in they had already been together for a long time and gelled as a group and I just never fit in. It always felt like a room I was staying in rather then a home.
I decided in the third year to go back into Halls and this time rather then ending up in one of the self catering halls with ensuite bathrooms I ended up in one of the catered halls with shared bathrooms. Eleanor rathborne was one of the halls towards the back of campus which was where most of the foreign students were put up. At first I wasn't too keen on the idea of those halls but I ended up having a fantastic time and made my longest lasting friends from uni when I was in that hall.
and on that note, lets leave that trip down memory lane there.
Later folks
Vinland Saga 7 Online PDF eBook
6 years ago
hey saxon
thought i would leave you a comment becasue I hardly ever do, and i know you like it when the people leave comments.
I was thinking about explaining my thinking...
It generally goes:
1) Does it have Hannah from S Club 7 involved in any way?
2) If yes... Is she wearing pants?
3) If yes.... Happy Days!
This is my entire relationship with the show "primeeval" so I just wanted to share that with you.
I also think the same thought process about your blog, that has, on occasion made reference to Hannah, but never to her pants. i would be most greatfull if you could rectify this somehow.!!!!
hope you liked my comment!
for any american readers who are somewhat confused right now Drat is referring to pants in the UK meaning not the US meaning.
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