Wednesday, January 07, 2009

New Year, New TV

Ah it's that time of the year, when the new year has barely begun, most of us are still keeping our new years resolutions and some new seasons of our favourite tv shows finally, finally begin! and we no longer have to put up with what seems like repeats every other night. In the next two weeks we have the new series of Numb3rs, NCIS, CSI and CSI New york all starting, which in turn hopefully means the new series of House and Greys anatomy are not far behind either.

Despite it getting very cold elsewhere in the country the weather null zone that seems to appear around Geektown from time to time seemed to have decided to come back from holiday so while other places had snow, ice and got so cold the sea started to freeze we got...


Well if nothing else you can still say that it qualifies as typical English winter weather.

I'll be glad when January is over as all the adverts for fitness DVDs will disappear. It getting a bit stupid know as you see people who used to be in a band ten years now released Fitness DVDs and appearing everywhere saying that they lost weight and were so happy and now they want to share their secrets with everyone else so they can make them happy and loose weight and are no way interesting in the buckets of money that they will be making from selling these things!

Work was good, if a bit slow today. It was also a bit for want of a better term, bitty, where I seemed to have lots of small things to do but it didn't seem like I managed much at all. I know that's a awfully bad description of what I was trying to say and I hope that you get what I mean.

Stll, only two more days until the weekend and the first full working week of the year will be over and hopefully I will have also completed one full week of my resolutions too. I am so doing everything I can to stay away from the vending machines and their sweet siren song of choclately goodness.......

Okay I so need to go and do something now to keep my occupied. Time for reading me thinks. I have a huge pile of books I need to catch up on.

Later folks!

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