Friday, January 16, 2009


One of the good things about Fridays is that the traffic is alwaya a lot lighter. I don't know if it's anything to do with schools or if a lot of people don't work on Fridays, or work late, but theres just a lot less traffic around.

Not that I'm complaining in the slightist mind you. It's just one of those annoying little things you notice when you drive to work.

Still Work is now done for the week. It was another busy day to round off what was a very busy week. Still at least it did feel like it was a very productive week. It would have just been annoying to have been busy all week and not feel like I had got anything done.

It's the weekend now so two whole days to do whatever I want, well as much as I can after you take out the time for shopping and church :-) But I'm all sure you get what I mean.

Of course most of the weekend will probably be spent inside the house feeling grateful for the invention of central heating as rain and winds of 90mph are supposed to be hitting the UK.

The English Weather. Don't you just love it :-)

Later folks!

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