As in 51 posts to go before I hit the major figure of 1000 posts. Which means I am almost at the point where you could read posts a day starting from the very beginning and it would take you a whole year to read them all. Which on reflection is a lot of writing, ramblings and waffling init?
Traveller has returned to the UK for what I understand is a brief visit, well I think it's supposed to be a month but seeing as she spends near enough the rest of the year overseas a month is only a brief visit. Well it could be longer depending on your sense of time but to each their own I guess and oh look I'm rambling again.
It was Owens birthday today as it was a year ago today that we first collected him from the kennel. Wow it doesn't seem that it was that long ago. Time certainly does fly when you have a dog that likes to chew socks. He's been busy most of the day playing with his new toys.
anyway back to work tomorrow for week four of my secondment. It should be a interesting week as it's likely to be the last quiet week as the schools start to break up for the summer holidays the following week and it's likely to get a lloootttt busier from then on in.
Later folks,
Vinland Saga 7 Online PDF eBook
6 years ago
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