I feel I need to answer ‘anonymous’ who has left two comments saying I forgot to mention the most ‘important bits of news’ that President Hinckley passed away on Sunday ( mind you Anonymous left one of these comments on a post that I made on Friday so I don’t see how that could have worked). It was not down to the fact that I was ‘ignoring’ the issue or couldn’t be bothered to mention it. I didn’t hear the news until mid afternoon yesterday and to be honest after the day I had, it hadn’t had time to sink in and I wasn’t feeling in the best frame of mind to address it. So I was planning to say something about it today anyway.
I joined the church when I was eight so to be honest I don’t remember that much about the first two prophets of the church. I was 14(I think) when President Hinckley became leader of the church so I suppose the best way to describe it was his was ‘my prophet’. (I hope you get what I mean). I used to really look forward to his talks and even the longest and most uncomfortable of conference sessions seemed to fly by if I knew he was speaking.
So a great man has passed on but it’s hard to be sad when he accomplished so much, touched the hearts of so many and we know that he has been reunited with his wife.
We’ll miss you..
Vinland Saga 7 Online PDF eBook
7 years ago
Yes, we will miss him. You are the 10th person I have heard say "he was my prophet". I think he was the prophet that belongs to each of us. I will miss hin encouraging words, smile, and great sense of humor!
I do hope you didn't feel bullied by anonymous into mentioning it. I mean, if you were planning on writing about it, fabulous, but I am the kind of person who takes comments like that really seriously until I realize that a) they didn't even leave a name and b) it is my blog and I can do what I want. Anyway, just wanted to say I like your blog, don't feel you have to please the Anonymous-es in life.
it was me...respect to you
There are a lot of things that I feel very strongly about that I don't blog about. I think that anonymous needs to chill with telling other people what they missed or didn't...who are they to say?
Anonymous, get your own blog and write about what you want and don't tell other people what or what not they have missed.
I am glad to hear your feeling about Pres. Hinckley though...just love him to death!
yeah, and saying you love somebody to death about a person who just died probably isn't the brightest idea.
P.S. Can I tell you how much anonymous commenters drive me up the wall?
You are the 10th person I have heard say "he was my prophet". I think he was the prophet that belongs to each of us
He really was.
P.S. Can I tell you how much anonymous commenters drive me up the wall?
I think we were all starting to pick up on that Alice :-)
I do hope you didn't feel bullied by anonymous into mentioning it.
Oh I wasn't Scully. I was going to write something about him today anyway.
I'm glad, Saxon. I realized I sounded a bit bossy in my previous post, especially considering I don't actually know you, I just found a link to your blog via Miss Nemesis. Then suddenly I went all Bossy Big Sister on you and I'm a complete stranger. Hope you didn't feel that from me and hope I haven't offended Anonymous to the point that he/she no longer reads your blog etc.
I went all Bossy Big Sister on you
don't worry about it Scully. I'm used to bossy big sisters, I have three of them!
I'm glad you enjoy my blog and leave comments on a regular basis.
I enjoy your blog too and I've added a link to it.
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