It’s been announced today that the Darkest ever substance known to science has been created in the US. It’s created from carbon nanotubes and researchers say it is the closest thing yet to the ideal black material. Or to put it another way “ They’ve made the blackest material known to science”. So there you go today’s top science news story is that they’ve made black…blacker.
Though it might be marginally more sensible then the top story from yesterday where US Scientists have apparently created a genetically engineered Super carrot that provides extra calcium.
There doesn’t seem to be a lot of exciting discoveries going on at the moment which leads me to one of two theories. Either there was there a bunch of scientists hanging about going, “ Hmm we’ve got nothing to do. Wait, I know! Lets genetically engineer a carrot and make Black, blacker.” (Well I suppose it makes more sense then the pigs that were genetically engineered to glow in the dark.) Or governments are just worried if they don’t give them something better to do the scientists will be recruited by Engineseer or Nemesis to help them take over the world. In the case of Engineseer “ Invent me a flying death fortress, no wait I’d rather have sharks with laser beams “ In the case of Nemesis “ Build me a machine that will transport any English actor I want straight to my library, or build me a teleporter so I can visit every city I want”. In fact, any suggestions from anyone as to if they had a group of mad scientists at their beck and call what they would have them build?
The most pointless news item of the past couple of days has to go to the Daily mail website with a story showing a picture of Katie Holmes daughter and a picture of Katie Holmes at the same age and commenting how much alike they looked. I’m surprised they didn’t print it on the front page
“ Child looks like parent shock. Full story inside”
Apparently in the race for President in the USA Mitt Romney has won some state or something. I have to admit I’m having a bit of a problem following their system as they keep using lots of technical terms which don’t seem to make a awful lot of sense to anyone outside of the USA. However I did see on someone’s blog the other day that if Romney did become president that would cause a heck of a lot of problems for him church wise. For example going to church on Sundays, would the secret service have to clear any investigators the missionaries want to bring ahead of time? How about Home teaching? I suppose that would be a good excuse to give your Quorum president. “I wasn’t able to home teach the Romneys as the secret service wouldn’t clear me”.
Institute was okay last night, it would have been great but unfortunately outside events conspired against me and lets leave it at that.
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7 years ago
lol. I didn't steal it from you, I promise...I stole it from Google ;)
I'll believe you :-)
Your funniest post yet. As for the secret service, if "The West Wing" (TV) is anything to go by, pretty much any nutter is let into the Whitehouse to bother the president's staff. I think most home teachers will prove more sane...
I added you as a "Single Englishman" You have no idea how sexy that makes you sounds in the states. Any LDS single that reads my blog, will be coimg your way, just for the accent!!!!
And,I believe that you were making reference to my blog, weren't you?
Sorry it took me so long to computer has been down. What a pain.
think most home teachers will prove more sane
I'm impressed you managed to say that with a straight face Dan:-)
you are correct Alice, it was your blog I saw it on.
I could give you a full discourse on the US Presidential primary system, longer than the subprime discourse, if you really wanted it. Short answer, however, is that everyone who wants to run for Pres. in the respective parties has to go through the primaries first, which have preliminary 'elections' so the respective parties can see who would probably win and then nominate the candidate they think is most likely to win the whole election in November. So Mitt won the Michigan Republican Primary. And Nevada. Which means he is still a contender for the Republican nomination. Unfortunately. Also, not such a short answer. Sorry.
thanks scully, that has made things clearer for me .
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