I’ve got no idea what subprime means mind you, but apparently American Linguists say it is the 2007 word of the year. So I figured I'd use it as using de big words makes me appear smarter yah?
Well YSA FHE was a bit of a misfire last night. Only Engineseer, two of the Chinese students and me turned up. So it didn’t go on that long. We actually ended up watching a random episode form the TV show “The long way round”. Overall it was a FHE that couldn’t have got more random to be honest.
Well it’s been more or less a week since I started my resolutions. So how am I going? I hear one or two of you ask, maybe, if you haven’t got anything better to do : - ) (use the resolution label to bring up the resolutions)
1,2,3: These three are all going well. I’m over the caffeine headaches (only got myself to blame there) and I’ve cut way back on the fizzy drink. In fact I’ve been drinking a lot more water during the day at work. So yah me! I’ve been slowly building my time up on the exercise bike each day. I’m now up to doing 11kms ( 25 minutes or so each day).
4: Doing well on this one too. I’ve managed at least one post each day so far. However we’re only a week into the new year so it might be a bit early to celebrate on this one.
5: Not sure how this one is going. I’ve signed up to a web ring and a couple of blog listings, so I’ll see what affect that has. If you haven’t noticed I’ve also added a map to show where the visitors to my blog are coming from. Since adding the map I’ve had visitors from the USA, UK and Europe. So I like to think that means the number of visitors coming here is going up. I’ve just got to figure out a way to encourage more comments.
Mind you it might just be a lot of these people are using RSS feeds so don’t comment (cough, Engineseer, cough, cough) or mobile phones so can’t comment (cough Mechanicus cough cough)
6. Slow and steady on this one. I’ve already resisted some impulse buys in the sales. I guess I’ll see how I go on this one.
7. Our survey says X. Yeap not doing to well on this one. As I spent sometime at the weekend feeling sorry for myself. So must work on this one. Repeat after me, Happy thoughts, hap hap happy thoughts.
8) zero progress on this one. Must try harder.
9) I’ve been learning how to use the movie maker on vista and finished my first go at a movie.
So I like to think this would count.
10) I’ve almost finished my first book on the tudors. I’ll post a review when I’m done.
So 6 successes so far, four must try harders. Not too bad I think. Mind you it’s only been a week. I suppose I shouldn’t crow too much until at least a month has gone by should I?
I’ll keep you posted on the resolutions as I go!
Vinland Saga 7 Online PDF eBook
7 years ago
Thank you for the offer but I'm afriad I must decline putting a link to your site, as I only link to english sites and I have no idea as to the content of your site.
I work in a real estate-adjacent industry and therefore have a small understanding of what 'subprime' means. In the US our interest rates are governed by the Federal Reserve - so whatever rate they dictate money will be lent to banks at (the prime rate), the banks add a margin for profit and that is what commercial and residential loans are made at. So for the past while the lending rate has hovered between 5-7%. Subprime lenders would give loans at rates below the standard bank rate, usually in the 3-4% range. But these loans were usually 'adjustable rate' meaning there was the introductory rate 3-4% rate, then after a year or two the interest rate would skyrocket to anywhere from 9-18%, which meant mortgage payments doubled and tripled and now a lot of people are being foreclosed on and losing their homes. So the 'subprime' lenders are going bankrupt and making people redundant, the US housing market is tanking, along with most of the economy. And this is probably more than you ever wanted to know!
"probably more than you ever wanted to know!"
maybe but at least I know now in case it ever comes up in conversation :-)
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