Just one more day to get through and it's the weekend. Even better as it's the end of the month I now have some money! Seriousily I thought this week was never going to end. My supply of patience had become rapidly depleted. Hopefully it will let up next week otherwise I might go gibberingly insane.
It seems the bad weather the weathermen have kept insisting is coming might actually be arriving. To say it was a bit windy this morning is a understatement. It was so windy it actually woke me up! Driving to work was a interesting experience as I could feel the wind hitting the side of the car the entire time. Mind you in could have been worse. If I was having problems in my little KA I hate to think what it would have been like trying to drive Grumpys car!
The back doors still broken. Or to be more precise, stuck. Basically the door got damp, expanded and now we can't open it. Grumpys sure we're going to have a new one. So as usual the thought of having to spend money has really cheered him up. Not!
I've got my six month appraisal tomorrow. It is apparently still called an Appraisal. No one must have been able to come up with a good acronym for it. Great timing though isn't it. At the end of one of the worse weeks possible!
Institiute was interesting last night. We were down to 11 (I think) opposed to last weeks huge class of 21. I think Bro H was showing some very small signs of paranoria (as would I )but he shouldn't. I think it was just one of those timing issues.
I've finally managed to finish that book on henry 8th. It was tough read! I'll post a review at the weekend probably.
Apparently Britney spears has been carted off to hospital. Good, maybe she can get the help she so obivousily needs!
Another good episode of Torchwood last night. However just one minor niggle. I've said it before and I've said it again, we're all aware captain Jack is Bi, he doesn't have to keep kissing things to prove it!
Mike has started his own blog. Go and visit him and leave comments to encourage him to keep going. We wouldn't want him to only post two comments then not post again Cough Engineseer cough cough. :-)
Vinland Saga 7 Online PDF eBook
7 years ago
Hadn't heard about Britney..thanks for the news...poor girl...I am sure she is bipolar..will add mike's link and go and leave a comment! I feel like I already know mike...enginisee...cough cough. :)
can you give us even the tinyest hint of what is going on at work? for those of us that dont get to know what you do for a living its hard to imagine what is going on, but it doesnt sound good (probably an understantement)
Can you give us any coded hints or tactfully written explanations of whats been going on?
sorry if I've confused you Alice but Mike isn't engineseer. I meant the "cough engineseer cough" as a way of dropping a hint to Engineseer who has only made two posts on his blog then stopped
yes my patience has been tested to it's limit this week mike.
Drat, I'm afriad I can't go into anymore detail then I have done for the time being. Suffice to say there has been a restructuring and we've made some changes to our product line. As some of the restructuring is still not official or announced until the end of March I don't one to get myself or anyone else into trouble.
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