Tuesday, May 05, 2009


So with all the problems facing the world today you would expect scientists and engineers to be really busy little bees struggling to find the solution to that problem which will be the next great discovery and might even put one of those shiny nobel prizes in their hands. Well that's what you would expect but the truth is sadly different as apparently scientists and engineers have created the worlds first race car that runs on chocolate. That's right, chocolate. But that's not all, the steering wheel is made out of a polymer made of carots, the wing mirrors are covered in potato starch core and the brakes are made of cashew nut shells.

Now even though the idea of a car powered by chocolate sounds interesting, it would certainly make cleaning up any spilled fuel a lot easier you have to wonder how the heck they came up with this. Even if they had a brief to come up with a more ecological race car which one of them sat there and suggested to try building a engine that runs on chocolate?

In this weeks "possibly the most completely pointless survey we could do" survey a magazine has found that men want to sing proper 'Macho' hymns in church and feel uncomfortable with hugging, sitting in circles, holding hands, discussing their feelings, didn't like having flowers or banners in the church and really disliked dancing. Well I guess that means we should cancel the EQ lesson where we were going to do the hokey cokey, followed by a group hug and flower arranging whilst we talk about our deep feelings.

Seriously they needed a survey to tell them men don't like sitting in groups talking about their feelings? It sounds like some people need to get out more. Or less.

Getting into work took slightly longer then normal as it took longer then normal to get out of geektown due to a rather bad accident in like the worst possible place as i think it's about the one place in that part of town where there's no road to bypass that point. The police who were there trying to direct traffic did not look like they were having a fun morning.

We spent some of this morning talking in code in the office as we were aware that some people have been to wolverine and some people haven't. So those of us who had were trying to have a conversation on another level compared to those that hadn't so we didn't give anything away. Now I think we were successful unless it turns out someone was talking about a different film entirely. Which we won't worry about too much unless it was one of the high school musicals then that would just be even more scary then the most scary film you ever did see.

Well Institute tomorrow. The second night of my reign of terror.... Erhhh I meant power.... ehhh I mean horror..... I mean being in charge, yes that right being in charge, as that sounds less creepy then anything else.


Later folks!


Lucy said...

Ok so i don't like you calling us the twins and i really doubt AF will enjoy Mr Modesty, (although it does sort of fit). I'm afraid you will have to find a new name for both A and L.

Saxon said...

okay, I'll have a think and see what I can come up with