With the next set of local and european elections just round the corner our mail box ( and we do have a mail box due to Owens love of eating the post if it's put through the door) is beginning to fill up with lots of flyers and campaign leaflets from the various parties telling us why we should vote for them and nobody else.
In most cases these leaflets are not addressed however I was surprised to recieve a letter this morning directly to me. Getting mail is a rare enough occureance and what I do recieve is usally junk mail, bills, or the latest offer from my bank promising me great great rates if I transfer my credit card to them. I opened it to discover it was a letter from the Prime minster. Yes somehow I managed to get on the list to recieve one of the thousands if not millions of 'personel' letter being sent out 'by' our Prime minster asking me to vote Labour.
So he's the text of the letter in bold with my thoughts in standard text,
Dear Mr Saxon ( well it didn't really say Saxon but you get the idea)
I know that people are angry about Mp's Expenses ( really what gave it away, the near 24 hour coverage of which MP had been the latest to get their hand caught in the cookie jar?) I apologise - on behalf of all parties ( well thats nice of you to say Mr Brown, or can I call you Gorden, although your a little late as the other leaders have already apologised for their parties but I can't remember you apologising for only your party, why is that Gordon?) - that the political systm has let you and the public down ( no it was whoever leaked the information to the telegraph that let you down as we were able to see just how deep your hands were in the cookie jars).
Whatever party they belong to, MP's should never have spent taxpayers money on clearing their moats( or had to get a dig in at the tories first didn't you gordon?) or swiming pools or paying phantom mortages(would these be the mortages that some of your MP's claimed for and then claimed they had no idea they had finished Gordon?) - and it's even worse at a time when ordinary families are worried about the impact of the recession.( especially as we know about it and you can't hide it!)
Labour are determined to put things right - not through words, but through action. (cue stirring patrotic music) This is not a time for papering over cracks ( no you can use that paper better by sending out letters to people) - it's time for root and branch reform( sounds like a man with a plan). And it's not just a question of paying back money( although they should). That's why labour have suspended MP's who are suspected of wrongdoing (interesting phrasing here, he doesn't say anything about the fact it's the system itself the public dislike, or that their angry what MP's could claim under the system, just that their punishing those who broke the rules of a already broken system!).
Now more then ever, families in this community( wait what happened to your big plan for reforming the expenses system?) need our help through this recission. Labour will stand by you and your family( is a paragraph missing here?)- not walk on by as the Conservatives did in the 1990s( better to collect taxes that way).
It is only by taking the right decisions now that we can hope to get through this recession quickly and give people the support they need. ( i know how you can support me stop raising petrol duty so often! Petrol is back up to a pound and were in the middle of a recession!) People are concerned about their jobs, homes and families. They do not want to be left behind like they were in previous recessions. that is why I thought it important for me to spell out some of the action we are taking.
(he then goes on for about three paragraphs about some of their initiaves which seeing as none affected me I couldn't be bothered to read.)
( still nothing about the action they will be taking to put things right. So they said their determined to put things right through action not words. Or to put it another way they've used words to say that they will be taking action but failed to mention what that action will be? Anyone else confused)
The measures we have put in place are there because we believe in supporting families and we believe in these values through the good times and the bad. We need to avoud the mistakes of the past( now I notice they've gone from referring directly to the tories to a generalisation. Is this because their afraid to point out anything specific from a old tory government as the tories could find something just as bad from a old labour government?) and ensure that the country is in the best shape possible to avoid the worst affects of the downturn.( cue patrotic music again)
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.
Best wishes
Gordon Brown.
So their you have it. A whole lot of waffle that did not make much impression on the slighist and probably hasn't affected my decision as to who I'm going to vote for in the slightist. But then again I have't definatly made my mind up one way or the other so I guess when it comes to me, if people are still looking for votes they''ve got everything to play for.
Later folks!
Vinland Saga 7 Online PDF eBook
6 years ago
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