Saturday, December 27, 2008

A Hectic few days

Well I've finally had a break in the hectic few days that 've had, in order to write up a full blog post. Tomorrow will be interesting as Engineseer is coming to stay and then on Monday I should be going on a road trip with Traveller as one of her friends.

Right where to begin.

Christmas day was good. Owen especially enjoyed it as Santa somehow left two stockings for him. His new favourite game is dropping his squeaky toy down the stairs then chasing after it. We watched The Muppets Christmas carol in the morning, Wallace and Gromit the curse of the were-rabbit in the afternoon, then the Doctor Who Christmas Special and the new Wallace and gromit adventure in the evening. Mid afternoon I got a visit from a secret Santa who left this box of goodies

on the door step. I hope Owen didn't scare them too much as their stealthly approach to the door was somewhat ruined by him charging down the stairs and leaping at the door whilst barking his head off.

Yesterday we went up to the Mechanicus and his clan. I drove up with Tap Dance as Grumpy suggested taking his car to give her a break from driving. It was a pretty good drive even if they have at one point 11 miles of roadworks where the speed is reduced to 50 mph and they have average speed , speed cameras. It's such a boring section of road to drive as it seems to keep going on and on and on and on.

It was a lot of fun playing with my nieces and nephews all day even if I did feel absoutly shattered by the end of it! The Driver clan did join us later in the day as well.

Well we had to brave going into Loughborough this morning as we needed to get a couple of bits. Some bread, milk etc. I also had to go to the Post office to get a new tax disc for the car which has gone up in price again! It may be annoying but I have to get one if I want to drive. I also tried looking in a few shops. The few I did get into they had nothing reduced in the sales that I wanted and in the one shop I really was thinking of buying something I couldn't even get to the section I wanted as the queue curled right the way round the entire shop. I probably would have been in there for an hour!

I also popped into Woolies as I saw the sign saying it shuts in three days. They had very little stock left. So little that they were already taking the large shelving units at the back of the store down. It all looked very sad indeed.

I spent most of the afternoon starting to sort through my room. Again! It's kind of that time when I need to go through everything to see what I could get rid of to slow the creeping of stuff off the bookshelves onto the floor. And it's still as hard as ever as I'm a terrible, terrible horder.

Well chuch tomorrow which should be interesting as I'm facing a bit of a problem. It has become known to me through a certain channel that two if not more of the YSA in Loughborough appear to be reading my blog and then using it as a way of taking the mickey out of me behind my back. Now intially when I found out about this I was extremely upset. I've known that some people may not like my blog but I was okay with that as I envisionised that they would be people who I didn't know. I did not imagine that people who I knew from church would use it to make fun of me and yet still be all smiles when actually talking to me. I'll be honest, I think I'm going to struggle to be as civil to them as I usually am so I think I'm just going to have to play it by ear. Oh and before anyone makes any assumptions the people I am referring to, well I've never reffered to them before.

Okay that's the depressing stuff out of the way. Midwife as was, I'm really going to have to think of a new nickname for her is now engaged as her boyfriend proposed to her on Christmas Day. Congratulations to them both! I was tempted to give them the collective nickname now of " The Theresa's" but I figured that was way too obivous even for me.

Later folks!


Rhonda said...

I think you should name your "anonymous" readers Snoop Mutt and Snoop Mutt 2....

The nerve! It is funny just a Better yet, blog about them and make up some horrendous lie!

Yes! That's it... lie, lie, lie.

You do know I am only joking, right??? Well, not about the Snoop Mutt and Snoop Mutt2... they definitely need nick names that are less than flattering.

Anonymous said...

hey man.

well, i missed reading your blog for a few days (normaly i read it once a week and read 7 days worth in one go) and it seemed like there had been some "fighting" in the comments section that I totaly missed. (shame, sounded like fun)

well, i guess its good on the one hand that you are getting more readers, and also AWESOME that you stuck to your new years resolution of doing one post per day, but it sucks that people want to take the piss out of you for various reasons.

just go with the flow and ignore it because I think you must have a LOT of readers now, and only a few of them are causing any troubble, so it would be sad just to stop for the loosers in the bunch.

I was watching a thing about this kid in america who blogs on youtube called "Hi- its fred" and he basically pretends to be a stupid 6 year old kid with a high pitched voice and he acts all stupid on youtube.

all his friends made fun of him, but then he landed a massive sponsorship deal with some phone company or something and I guess he had the last laugh.

hang in there and here's to another year of blog posts.

Anonymous said...

oh man, yeah, you should totaly blog about the people who are miss-using your blog. like in friends where "the messers become the messeeess" and its like "i know that you know that you dont know what i know" type thing!!!

you could have fun with that. like riddles and stuff.

you know that game called 2 truths and a lie, you should play a blog version of that, where you put up 3 things for them to take the piss out of, 2 are true and one is a lie..... that way they will have to guess!!!

that would be sooooooooooo funny man.

Scully said...

Dude, have they no human decency at all? Punks.

Saxon said...

snoop Mutt? I guess there's probably a reference there I don't get Rhonda.

Should I lie? Well according to House everybody lies, except he said that, that was a lie as well.... Wait I'm confused

Saxon said...

It wasn't that fun Drat

Oh sponsership deals. that sounds like fun. Any suggestions for that? :-)

I was always aware that by starting a blog I would be putting my opinions out there and I would recieve negative feedback. However getting it from people you don't know and people you do and who are just taking the mick out of you are two different things which is why I found it so difficult when I found out about this situation.

Still have no fears, I have no intention of going anywhere!

Saxon said...

I guess you would have to ask them that Scully. My opinion might be slightly biased :-)