Thursday, October 02, 2008


Well I thought I was getting over the first winter bug I had picked up, but it seems I was wrong as it decided to come back today as when I woke up my throat was hurting once again. I've also felt really drained and tired all day. I resisted the temptation to go and get anything with sugar or caffeine but it was a close run thing!

Asides from feeling a bit 'bleugh' it was actually a fairly okay day. I managed to get a fair bit done at work as it was a fairly quiet day and on the plus side it's only one more day until the weekend. Yaah! Of course if I'm stil suffering from this cough and cold I'll probably be spending most of the weekend crashed out doing not much at all.

I saw in the news today Apple are threatening to close their Itunes stores over some argument over the increase in royalty payments. Which means after finally get a ipod it might prove to be a bit useless if they shut the store down. I'm sure this is a empty threat as otherwise they would annoy far too many customers in one go for it to be good for business!

Asides from that it's been a fairly standard day which is really annoying when it comes to try and write about it! But still I'm still on course to do at least one post for every day this year that I've been able to. Yes, yes I know the YSA conference weekend doesn't count.

Anyway, I'm going to curl up on the settee next to the radiator and watch a DVD.

Yes I lead an exciting life these days don't I folks?


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