Yah! the price of petrol has now fallen all the way 'down' to 99.9 pence. Of course the irony is this only happened later in the day after I had filled up with petrol first thing this morning.
Oh well. C'est la vie I guess.
Work was extremely busy today as we had lots more problems come our way today. It is turning into one of those weeks in spades. Oh well at least it keeps life interesting. I've also been encouraged to not think of things as 'problems' but rather as 'opportunities' which I know sounds a little silly when you put it like that but it's amazing the difference it makes when you do try that. It does seems easier to come up with solutions. Well at least it did to the 'opportunities' that I experienced today :-)
Insitute was also interesting although I got there quite later then usual. In part due to traffic and in part to a last minute clear out of the back of the car just in case I had to give anybody a life home like I did last week, as I didn't want to get another lecture from any of them about the state of my car.
Anyway it turned out that it was un needed as everyone had a lift home so it was just me by myself again on the drive home.
Regardless of that it was another very good set of lessons as Bro H is a very good teacher and even if you've done the course before you always pick up new stuff everytime he teaches.
Anyway just two more days to the weekend.
Later folks!
Vinland Saga 7 Online PDF eBook
6 years ago
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