Saturday, May 10, 2008


It's been rather a odd day today weatherwise. As it's been very hot but I can't remember seeing the sun once. IT was also a bit humid as well, so it wasn't a nice kind of warm more a yucky sticky kind of warm at times.

I also had to go in to work this evening to run a retail stand for our division at a tournament. Which was a remarkably odd experience, especially driving to work at that time of night. But I survived it, even though my feet are now killing me.

I guess that's about it for today. Sorry I've not going anything to say ( if anybody is still out there that is). I've just had one of those kind of days.

I'll leave you with some pictures from the dance last night. Which if you remember was a sixties theme. Just in case you thought some of the leicester YSA had really weird fashion sense.
Cordelia strikes a pose.
Engineseer strikes a pose.

J strikes a pose. ( is anyone starting to see a theme here?)
Cordelia Dances, Boyfriend attempts to inch away.
No prizes for why he's smiling. The Band. Who were rather good considering this was their first ever gig.

If there had been a prize for best dressed. I'm sure this guy would have won.
Every picture is supposed to tell a story. Any suggestions for captions for this one?
Bro H, Doing a little dance, making a little grove, generally getting down tonight.
Lots of random YSA.

The hall before lots of people arrived.
Our stake centre
Yes this photo is real. Yes some YSA made kebabs using sweeties ( candy for my US readers) instead of meat. Pure Genius!

Any see you tomorrow folks, same geek life, same geek station.


Unknown said...

Sweeties, huh? Like that. I may have to adopt it. Sweetie kabobs....definitely ingenious.

Anonymous said...


Saxon said...

feel free to adopt it Alice. Could be a part of your next English ED article.

Saxon said...

physics now you're just showing off!

Rhonda said...

I knew it! I knew all along there actual REAL people in your English blogging circle. I just knew it. The pictures prove it.

Fun times.

Have a great Monday.

Saxon said...

yes, they are real and not in my head.

Well most of them :-)

Anonymous said...

The sweetie kebabs were great but were deadly.. i had to have a sandwich to balance myself!