Monday, April 07, 2008

Just another manic monday

When I woke up this morning I had great trouble getting up. Not because I was tired, far from it. It was more to do with the fact it was freezing! I did really want to follow the same rule as Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes " I'm not getting up till it's as warm out there as it is in there". Unfortuantely I don't think the bosses would have been too happy with that excuse so I eventually got up and made sure I dressed very quickly.

When I got into work I had a surprise. The wall they are building was finished and painted. So it looked quite bizare as it seemed that it has always been there. It didn't look like a new wall at all. Of course the paint fumes from the freshly painted wall were interesting to say the least. We didn't notice it as we got used to them but you sure as heck noticed if you left and came back into the office again.

I got home to find that it had been snowing again. Why, it's April for goodness sake! We've had more snow this month then any other month during winter! However I'm sure that it will stop snowing tomorrow. Mainly because Engineseer is coming back into the country and it would be a highly ironic thing to happen. Which reminds me I'm playing taxis tomorrow night for him. Mustn't forget.

Asides from that it's just ben one of those days. Not very interesting I know.



Unknown said...

It's just another manic monday (o ew o)I'm singing it with the bangles.

Saxon said...

I know, as soon as I thought of that post title I could not get that song outta my head.