Sunday, April 06, 2008

Ending as it started

Well the day started with snow and it's finished with snow. Yes it may have been a bit weird to get snow in April but at least the weather has been consistant. :-)

Welll it's Monday tomorrow, my 'favourite day' of the whole week. I'm just going to keep my fingers crossed for a quiet day. ( he says hopefully).

As Engineseer is out of the country and I haven't heard anything from Cordelia I guess that YSA FHE isn't on tomorrow night. Especially as Black widow is working late so there will be nobody to open up their house. Which is still standing as we checked on Saturday when we went past. I guess he decided againist having any wild parties :-)

Asides from all that I haven't got much to say ( as you may have guessed by the photos) . It's been a quiet day. I'm sure there will be more things for me to blog about tomorrow.

Well it is a Monday after all.


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