Well I have never been so glad for it to be Friday. I think this week has to rank as one of the worst I have experienced at work. But on the plus side as the bosse's boss was worried about the weather he let us go home early, a full hour and a half early. So that helped make up for this week a little :-)
It looks like the weather is really closing in right now. But then again that doesn't both me because as has been the case for every Friday so far this year, I'm at home this evening. Well it could be worse, Grumpy could be out and that would really be the final proof that my social life is non existant right now and I'm happy in my delusion that it isn't thank you very much :-)
Well it's February all ready so I figured now would be as good a time as any to look back on my resolutions; (resolutions in bold, progress underneath each one)
1) Exercise more. Two days down of the year and two session on the bike. I'm starting slowly and building up each day. I'll let you know how this one goes.
Well I'm on the bike everyday most of the time. Only three missed days so far.
2) loose weight. Well I've needed to do this for a long time and lets be honest, my build at the moment, probably not that attractive to the ladies.. So I'll keep you posted on this one too.
I've almost lost a stone. Yaah!
3) Cut back on sugar. This one is tied into 1 and 2 so I guess you could say it's one uber resolution. Of course in ctting back on the sugar I'm also cutting back on the caffine. Consider this fair warning that I may be cranky as hell for the next few days as I work through the caffine headaches, but only got myself to blame.
My caffine and sugar intake are way down on what it was, So another yah for me I think!
4) Keep the blog more up to date.
One month, forty posts, I think that counts as keeping it up todate.
5) Try and get more people to read my blog and leave comments. It really does feel like I'm rambling to myself sometimes. Although of course that might be because I'm the only one who can understand me.
As the comments and maps can atest. I'm making progress here too.
6) Get Finances under control and start saving. ( this is going to be a tough one)
I'm making good strides here too. I finished the month which more money then I was expecting.
7) Try to minimize the amount of time I spend wallowing in self pity.
Hmm this one is still proving difficult. I'm going to have to keep working on this one.
8) Make a new friend.
I've made new blogging friends (Alice and scully), maybe I should adapt this resolution to cover blogging and outside of blogging.
9)Develop a new skill
I'm starting to learn how to use publisher at work.
10) Broaden my history knowledge by studying about the tudors. ( that TV show is so far wrong it's beyond belief!)
Well I've finished by first book on the tudors. I'm takinga break by reading about the American railway before I get another book on the tudors to read.
So 9 yahs! and one must try harder. Well I'm doing better then I thought I would to be honest :-)
Vinland Saga 7 Online PDF eBook
7 years ago
I believe you deserve a Huzzah! for all your hard work. Also, so glad we are friends now. And since I have been banished to rural Eastern Washington, the only friends I have to hang out with are my blogging friends. Oh, and I live with my dad and spend Friday nights at home watching television. So don't feel bad!
Thank you Scully.
Sorry, I have been campaigning!!! As, I am sure you already saw.
I missed you though...
Holy cow...you are one goal driven guy...too much at one time...I would say....you overwhelmed me and they are not even MY goals...just keep up with the blogging regularly and I will be happy!
just keep up with the blogging regularly and I will be happy!
No problem. Anything to keep a lady happy :-)
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