Thursday, January 06, 2011

Time to go get a spade

Rather then just doing my stereotypical new years resolutions I have been pondering about what else I can resolve to do.

And yes I know thinking about New years resolutions 6 days into the new year is a bit slow as it were. Obivously to not be a avid follower of procrastination was not one of the resolutions.

I'm been pondering on my talents and which of them I'm best at and which I'm not so good at and which I could work on improving as part of my New Years resolutions.

But I can't decided which to pick ( improving desciveness also wasn't on the list. Apparently neither was improving my spelling.)

I pondered working on one of my creative talents, as I haven't done any drawing in a considerable amount of time. However I've been struggling with creativeness as well at the moment so I wondered if I needed a muse. But if I had one of them I probably wouldn't have much time for working on any talents to begin with.

I pondered working on my photography, but I could only really do still life for that as trying to find a model would probably be a good way to get myself into trouble " Hey Lady would you like to come and model for me?... oh hello mr police office what can I help you with?"

I pondered working on my listening skills. but that would require having someone who talked to me in depth. I pondered working on my massage skills but that would require someone who would want me to do that. I pondered working on my writing skills but then I would need something to write about other then my day to day life and I've already having enough problems trying to be creative as it is.

But after much consideration I decided that maybe, just maybe the biggest talent I can work on is just making sure that I let myself be me. Once I improve that I guess everything else will sort itself out :-)

Later Folks.


drat said...

DO PHOTOGRAPHY!!! Mate, thats a great idea! Start with still life and work your way up!

You know you once had a resolution to write a blog post each day, and you DID it!!! Yay! Why dont you take one photo and put it online each day, that way you can see yourself improve over the year!!

you did always have an eye for detail with warhammer models so why not give it a go!!

Saxon said...

okay, I'll give it a try.