Thursday, September 16, 2010


(best Dr nick voice impression) Hi everybody!

Sorry for the sporadic posting this week. It's been mainly down to two things, one I've been very busy and having been getting home until late and once I've had dinner, sat down and generally decompressed the urge to turn on the computer and do anymore typing after a day of doing so hasn't really been there.

The second reason is that my Sister Speed Demon is currently in Hospital with a recurrence of a condition she has had before but is a bit more serious this time round. The prognosis is good but no matter how much your told that it's hard not feel at least a sliver of worry when a relative is in hospita and so I haven't been feeling my usual grumbling self writing mood.

If she continues to improve she should be free to come home in a few days but until then I probably won't be posting much if at all. I hope all of my regular readers will understand that my mind will be occupied with other things other then blog reading.

Later folks

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I will pray for your sister and your family. Hope things cheer up soon.