Thursday, April 08, 2010

Two times ten

It's not often that when someone asks what you were doing exactly twenty years ago that you can remember almost perfectly outside of it being a world changing historical event. Well I remember precisely where I was twenty years ago tonight. I was sitting on the front pew of the Loughborough Chapel as my family and I were baptised and became members of the church.

Which is a scary thought really as twenty years is really a rather long time isn't it? I did recieve a email from one of the Elders who baptised us wishing me a "Happy birthday" . Twenty years and something may change but this Elders humour certainly does not :-)

I was wondering where would I be without the church? This was intended to be deep philosopical thought to ponder on but all I could think of a quote by physics when somebody asked him in one Sunday school lesson where he would be right now without the church
" At home in bed on a Sunday morning, 10% richer" :-)

The first episode of Warehouse 13 was on tonight. It has potential but it moved at such a sllooowwww pace. Hopefully it will improve with time as there is far too little sci fi on tv at the moment.


Later folks.


anne said...

It really doesn't seem like 20 years, when you think about how long 20 years is. (Does that even make sense?!)

Saxon said...

technically no it doesn't but I get what you mean