Well after all the mamoth reports of doom, where it said to expect lots and lots of rain. Well we got..... not that much too be honest and it came in fits and starts between bouts of sunshine. In fact there was so much sunshine yesterday I was able to put some washing out on the Line and it got dry! Honest! In fact with all this sunshine you'd be forgiven for thinking that it's actually supposed to be summer. Mind you knowing the english weather, we're all going to be happy to see the sun until a heatwave hits then we'll just spend all the time moaning about how hot it is!
Well it was time for the new times rather then the old times, but it would be okay as long we remembered the new times, ( wait I think I've confused myself) at church yesterday. Okay well maybe not technically new times more in a different order. It's now sacrament first, Sunday School second and Presthood/reflief society last. There were one or two small teething problems. Firstly the priamry children who were supposed to have all been there for 9.20 to do the prelude music didn't all appear and start singing till 9.29 and sacrement starts at 9.30! The member of the bishopric who was conducting announced the end of Sacrememnt nearly twenty minutes early. Then had to get up again and announce he was wrong! On the somewhat odd side we now have 'bouncers' on each door.... All right, not bouncers users. (same job different day :-)
They were trying to get memebers of the Elders quorum to 'volunteer' to take on this new responsibilty each week. Unsurprisingly there wasn't a huge rush to sign up.
Once Sacrament had finished there was this very weird pause. You could see most people wanted to go and talk and gossip, sorry, sorry not gossip I mean pass information they might find interesting to one another. Also you could see some people were thinking, isn't it time to go home now?
So finally we wonder out downstairs to go to Sunday school. The lesson was on the last supper, so as it was fast Sunday cna you guess what happened???
The teacher had set up two tables and asked us to sit round them, to illistrate the last supper she had a bowl, soap and a towel for washing of feet. Then two glasses of juice and one huge basket of very nice home braked bread which smelt lovely. Trust me you've never seen a ysa class look so dismayed to find food there. It was a very full class as well. Especially with RP ?( socials brother, I can't remember Nemesis's code name for him) visiting. At the end of the class the teacher said if anyone wanted a piece of bread they could take one. No one did. Although we figured out later that was probably more likely because no one wanted to be the first person to take a piece and was waiting for someone else to take a piece. That doesn't help when the whole class is thinking it does it?
But the funnist thing that happened all day happened in the Elders Quorum meeting. The Eldars quorum president stated that it was time for the quarterly report for home teaching and he would need everybodies figures. One guy near the front piped up and said that he hadn't been given a list. So the EQ President then asked for everyone who didn't know their hometeaching assignments to put their hands up, and which point almost a third of the quorum did. The look on his face was priceless.
He then proceeded to read through the hometeaching assigments. He got to NL and DL (mechanicus's brother) and referred to them as the the Brothers L. He then got further down the list and announced he had another Brother L on the list. At this point DL and NL looked a little confused. He looked at them and asked if there was another Brother L in the ward. They shook their heads. He then asked if they were sure that another Brother L wasn't moving into the ward. They nodded they were sure. He then asked was maybe a Brother in Law moving into the ward. At which point they both looked very confused. Understandbly. because it's extremely unlikely for a brother in law to have the same surname! The EQ president thn looked back at his list and simply said
" There seems to be a mistake with the list"
I looked at engineseer and said;
" A mistake?"
Vinland Saga 7 Online PDF eBook
7 years ago
wel.. as far as primary goes there weren't too many hiccups and the kids were no less fidgity than normal :) though we may have to reduce lesson time to allow for setting up of the next part of primary lol.. fine by me ;p
yes you do seem to be gutted at the prospect of your lesson being shorter, don't you?
you try entertaining 3-4 year old with a lesson....
its far worse when only 2 out of 6 are in attendance yuh huh!
less kids equals worse lesson?
I thought that would have been the other way round
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