Monday, December 10, 2007

Seriousily were you expecting me to let this one go

Ta da, yes once again my favourite website of the moment has prompted yet another blog post. Despite trying to resist the easy way of doing another blog post based on one of the threads from this site there was no way I could let this one go without commenting. The title of the thread?
Girls are mean.. seriously... all the nice ones are lesbians or married.
Well it was a toss up between this and another thread going on at the moment ( do girls like spanking) and I figured I'd go with the one which is the lesser of two evils :-)
Right, unsurprisingly starter of thread is a guy.. go figure.
Girl chips in to ask if his last date went bad.
His reponse
" I'll let you know how my dates go when I get one."
Hmm, that saying sounds familiar, I wonder who else can be as self pitying as that. Saxon whistles while attempting to look non chalant.
Another guy then chips in, who happens to be a travelling salesman (does lots of flying;
"This sounds like a song. Let's compose some music and make a song from these words. groovy baby LOL
sounds like somebody might be spending too much time in a pressurised cabin."
but hey by the standards of this board a comment like that is almost downright helpful.
A couple of girls attempt a fightback by pointing out their nice, not married and not lesbians.
Then another guy decides he's going to chip in by reinforcing sterotypes
"The lesbians tend to be pretty mean too.
The only nice ones are hookers.
how do you know?"
A girl then chips into agree, don't ask me why with this guys opinion.
Then another guy chips into the thread. For a thread seemingly anti-female there seems to be a distinct lack of girls around defending their gender
"They can be or they can be real nice......
well same with guys. Both can be mean or nice in their own way
guess it has to do with attitudes and horomones to a degree.
I'll take male ysa who are feeling suicidal for two hundred"
Then yet another guy appears. Seriousily where have all the women gone on that site?
"So what if girls are mean, I like it rough.
don't spend a lot of time in the company of women do you mate?
A girl finally appears. Is she going to attempt to defend her gender? Not quite...
"Maybe that's where I went wrong...I should be a lesbian!
I'm sure your bishop will be thrilled
Maybe then I will find someone I can love....
hmm, leaving that comment alone."
Then yet another guy appears.
"girls = attention vampires"
He's obivousily confident that no girls from his ward read this site, otherwise it's unlikely they will ever find the body!
Finally a reasonable comment and by a guy no less
"Every person has the opportunity to be mean or nice.
In my opinion girls are not more mean on an average they just have greater extremes.
anyone who lived in halls of residence can atest to this.
They are meaner and they are also nicer.
again true
People who says that women are mean are glass is half empty kind of people.
yeah they should get on and drink the rest of their drink!
Now if the glass were half full you would say Women are nicer.
especially if your looking for a date.
Cue a lot of rather non sense style comments including comments on spanking. They can be all summed up by this post
" What the "hell" is up with all the men and spanking talk?"
Finally there is a comment that sums up everything I would have said but in a much better way.
"It sounds childish. ;-) I also don't agree. To my point of view, you will find good and mean people doesn't matter their gender, sexual preference, ethnicity, marital status, etc. It is a matter of the quality of the heart and how they face situations in life, thus deciding to be happy or bitter. ...that free agency again... ;-) "
and hopefully that will be the end of that!

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