Sunday, August 01, 2010

Coming Round again

Well it's Sunday night which means another weekend has come and gone and the start of another working week will be upon us in a few short hours.

Of course it's also the start of a new Month as well which means my weeks will be full of more interesting opportunities then usual as my KPI's will be measured in full from now on.

It also means that I only have two weeks of work left before my next holiday.

It also means only three weeks to their special time of year when I will be a year old.

It means that there are only four weeks until the start of the National YSA Convention.

It also means that I have been with my current company for nine months now and in only three months, that's right just three months I will have been there for a year.

To use a cliche it really, really doesn't seem like that long.

The latest installment of the new Sherlock holmes was on tonight and was very good. Although there weren't as many quotable one liners as there were in last weeks episode.


Later folks

1 comment:

anne said...

You will have to give us some ideas of what we can get you for your birthday.